Bust of Capt. Colin Kelly Jr.

A bust made in honor of a World War II B-17 Flying Fortress pilot who flew bombing runs against the Japanese navy in the first days after the Pearl Harbor attack.

Location: M.A. Roxas Highway,Clark Freeport Zone   Duration: 1
Operational Days and Hours:    Contact:

Capt. Colin Kelly Jr. was the first West Pointer to fly the flying fortress. He is known as “America’s First Hero of World War II”. He made his last take-off from Clark Field on 10 December 1941, piloting a four-engine Boeing B-17C “Flying Fortress” Heavy Bomber. Unescorted by fighter aircraft, alone and unprotected, Captain Kelly and his crew of seven bravely flew to Aparri, North Luzon to sink a reported Japanese Aircraft carrier. It later turned out to be a large heavy cruiser which Kelly bombed and sunked. He was posthumously awarded the “Distinguished Service Cross” by Gen. Douglas Mac Arthur.

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